
Befriending the Zodiac

When Worthiness and Courage Meet - Tarot Pull for a New Mars and Venus Cycle

Published 3 months ago • 1 min read

Hi awesome human!

Every Friday, I share a bit about the astrological weather of the moment and invite you to do a tarot pull to give yourself guidance and support. Let’s dive in!

✨ This week in the stars

Mars and Venus met up in Aquarius on February 22 at 12:14 AM MST.

Anytime two planets meet up (also known as a conjunction), it marks the beginning of a new cycle of those energies.

Venus represents the divine feminine - the part of you that knows your value, loves beauty and harmony, and is open to receiving. Mars represents the divine masculine - the part of you that goes after what you want, sets boundaries, and courageously upholds your values.

When these two planets meet, it begins a new dance between their energies inside of you.

How will you remain rooted in your own worthiness and secure in your ability to receive, while also having the courage to stand up for yourself and to build the life you want?

This can also begin a new relationship cycle. As this conjunction is occurring in Aquarius, with Pluto nearby, this is an opportunity to express your authenticity (Aquarius) and to embrace deep psychological work (Pluto) in your relationships.

The last Mars and Venus cycle began on March 8, 2022.

The 2022 conjunction also occurred in Aquarius, and was even closer to Pluto than the current Mars/Venus conjunction. Think back to how your relationship, both to yourself and others, has changed over the past two years. What was birthed and how has it culminated? How can you build on the important work you’ve already done in the last cycle?

🎴 Tarot Messages from Venus and Mars

I want you to take a deep breath, and put your hand on your heart. Imagine your inner Venus, the part of you that feels worthy and receptive. Then imagine your inner Mars, the part of you that is powerful and courageous.

They both have messages for you. This week, I invite you to pull (or click on) two cards - one as a message from your inner Venus, and the other as a message from your inner Mars.

Take a moment to connect to the energies of the cards you chose and to feel them supporting you.

You are a vastly powerful and deeply receptive human being, and you are ready for this new cycle.

👉🏼 Do you want your own copy of the Notion tarot deck I used for these cards? Click here to get your deck for free.

Befriending the Zodiac

Daniela Uslan

Hi! I'm a tarot reader, astrologer, writer, and business coach living in Denver Colorado with my 5 year old daughter and 2 fuzzy dogs. I write about the intersection of tarot, astrology, personal growth and business.

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