♋️ Are you ready for big Cancer energy?

Hi Reader!

This week, Venus, the planet of relationships, love, and worthiness, Mercury, the planet of perception, thought, and communication, and the Sun, are all crossing over from Gemini into Cancer.

Imagine this: on a sunny Saturday morning, you go to the farmer's market with friends. It's packed with people. You stop and talk to a farmer selling sweet turnips, inquiring about how long they'll be available. You ask a woman who sells tortillas if it's a family recipe. You have a picnic with your friends, catching up on the details of their lives.

Then, you say goodbye and go home, where you lay under a blanket on the couch, feeling comforted by the walls of your house and your ability to be alone. You cry as you watch an old episode of This is Us.

That's what it's like going from Gemini to Cancer. Gemini is quick, social, out in the neighborhood, making small talk with strangers. Cancer is slow, emotional, nurturing, connected to the home and the mother.

Each sign of the zodiac supports the one before it by building on it and fulfilling different needs. Gemini goes out and explores. Cancer comes home and rejuvenates. Gemini lives in the mind. Cancer lives in the heart.

I pulled The Magician as our guiding tarot card for Venus, Mercury, and the Sun in Cancer. The Magician is your ability to channel messages from outside of yourself. It's how you put your unique magic into the world.

This card is a message that we need to put energy into our emotional health in order to create what we're meant to share with the world.

So take this as a sign to go within. Love and nurture yourself. And know that by being your own devoted caretaker, you are moving closer to becoming the most magical version of you.

Here's to you and your intuition,


P.S. I'm brewing up a special summer solstice reading offering. I'll be sharing the full details next week, so stay tuned.

Befriending the Zodiac

Hi! I'm a tarot reader, astrologer, writer, and business coach living in Denver Colorado with my 5 year old daughter and 2 fuzzy dogs. I write about the intersection of tarot, astrology, personal growth and business.

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