Behind the scenes of Saturn Retrograde

Hi Reader!

Before I jump into the astrology this week, here's ๐ŸŽ a special offer for you:

Do you have something you're feeling blocked about? It could be a relationship issue, something in your business that's not going the way you want it to, or a niggling feeling that there's something more for you out there. (Or something else entirely.)

If so, this is the perfect time to purchase a Cosmic Clarity Session. They're my 30 minute, $47 tarot/astrology combo sessions, designed to help you move forward in an area of your life.

Up until now, I've had these mini sessions available on my website all the time. But I'll be taking them down next Friday, July 5th, and I'm not sure when I'll be offering them again.

So if you're hungering for answers from your guides at a super affordable price, book a Cosmic Clarity Session now. (You can also purchase them as gifts.)

And, if you buy any astrology reading, whether it's a Cosmic Clarity Session or a full reading, this week, I'll give you a special meditation that guides you to become your own inner authority so you can be prepared for Saturn Retrograde.


Now, let's get to the biggest astrological event of the weekend.

Tomorrow at 1:06 PM MDT, Saturn will be stationing and going retrograde. It will continue to be retrograde until November 15th.

So what does this Saturn retrograde mean?

First, let's unpack how Saturn operates in your life.

Traditionally, Saturn is referred to as the planet of responsibility, hard work, obstacles, and limitations. Sounds bleak, right?

Personally, I prefer how Caroline W. Casey talks about Saturn in her book Visionary Activist Astrology. She says that Saturn is about authority, and to do Saturn right, you need to learn to become the authority of your own life.

This means making your own rules, doing hard work on your own terms, and deciding the kind of life you want to live.

Many of us give away our authority to other people, like parents, bosses, the government, friends, or anyone else who we turn to for advice.

So how do you become the authority of your life?

By removing psychic cords you have with people who are leeching your power. By recognizing when you are relying on someone else to make your decisions, thereby using their compass to direct your life. By taking stock of your life and working to align it with your needs and values.

It's not easy. But hey, that's Saturn. It's not easy, but it is powerful and necessary work.

(Btw if you want help with this, sign up for a Cosmic Clarity Session by next Friday and you'll get my exclusive meditation on claiming your inner authority.)

Now, let's look at what it means that Saturn is going retrograde.

Saturn is about to slow down and then return to the parts of your chart that it just visited.

This gives you the opportunity to revisit the lessons you've been learning and to deepen the work Saturn is asking you to do in your life. Similar themes may come up for you that you experienced the first time Saturn traversed those areas of your chart.

Then, when it goes direct, it will hit those parts of your chart once again.

However, each time Saturn hits a sensitive area of your chart, it feels a bit different. The first time is usually the most challenging, while the second and third times are seasoned by experience and hopefully a dash of wisdom.

In this Saturn retrograde, it will traverse the area of your chart that it's been traveling through since March 23rd.

If you think back to the past 4 months, how have you shown up for your life? What challenges have you encountered that pushed you to take responsibility in new ways? How have you taken ownership of your life (or not)? What metaphorical mountains have you climbed (or tried to)? Similar themes may show up in the next 4.5 months.

The more you can set your own rules, follow your own inner compass, and create boundaries that support the life you want to live, the more powerful this Saturn retrograde will be for you.

And, if you want guidance for this Saturn Retrograde, book a Cosmic Clarity Session or a full astrology session.

(Book either reading and you'll get my exclusive meditation on claiming your inner authority. A full astrology session will give us more time to dive into where Saturn is in your chart and to prepare for the upcoming months, while the Cosmic Clarity session is a potent dose of wisdom for the area of your life that needs it the most.)

Here's to becoming the authority of your life,



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Befriending the Zodiac

Hi! I'm a tarot reader, astrologer, writer, and business coach living in Denver Colorado with my 5 year old daughter and 2 fuzzy dogs. I write about the intersection of tarot, astrology, personal growth and business.

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