Venus just moved into Leo โ™Œ๏ธ...

Hi Reader!

Venus moved into Leo yesterday. But instead of telling you what that means in general, this week, I'm going to guide you through a process that will help you understand what Venus in Leo means for you.

Ready? Let's dive in!

Step 1: Explore what Venus means for you.

You may understand that Venus is about relationships. But what's your relationship with relationships? (Maybe I should write "relationships" a few more times just for fun...๐Ÿ˜‰)

To go deeper into this, you could get a reading with me to understand how Venus operates in your chart. You could think back to your past and current friendships, partnerships, and connections with family members, and get curious about how you interact with the people around you.

You could look at photos of your loved ones and connect to the feelings that come up in your body. You could write a poem about someone you love, or draw a picture representing what love means to you.

You could put your hand on your heart, close your eyes and imagine your inner Venus.

Once you've befriended Venus, when you hear about it changing signs or making an aspect to another planet, you will have a deeper understanding of what that means, and what it means for you.

Step 2: Explore what Leo means for you.

Leo is fixed fire, connected to creativity, authentic self-expression, and being seen. What's your relationship with being seen? With creativity?

Do you have any planets in Leo?

Take some time to sit with the energies of Leo to see how it feels for you.

Step 3: Reflect on Venus in Leo from 2021-2023.

Venus was in Leo during the following times:

June 26-July 21st, 2021

August 11th-September 4th, 2022

June 5-October 8, 2023 (It went retrograde, which is why it was there for so long.)

Think back to what was going on in your life, and specifically your relationships, during those times.

Do you see any themes emerge?

I'll share what I came up with when I did this exercise.

Over the past three years, Venus in Leo often correlated with me feeling dissatisfied with my relationships and feeling like they were stagnant or inauthentic.

In 2021, Venus in Leo coincided with my 10th wedding anniversary, during which I realized how unhappy I was in my marriage, which ultimately led me to separate from my ex-husband a few months later.

In 2022, after months of dysfunctional dating, I deleted the apps right when Venus moved into Leo.

In 2023, Venus in Leo correlated with the process of selling my marital home, which brought with it a lot of conflict between me and my ex husband.

Based on my past experiences, Venus in Leo is a time when I need to feel joy and juiciness in my relationships. When I don't, it causes pain and conflict.

So for the next few weeks, I am going to prioritize spending time with people that make me feel loved and seen. Since I know that misalignment in relationships feels particularly "hot" for me with Venus in Leo, I will be mindful about how I engage with the important people in my life.

Step 4: Pay attention to how you experience Venus in Leo over the next few weeks.

Venus just moved into Leo yesterday, and will be there until August 4th. You will probably hear astrologers say this is a time to go out and be seen, put love into your creative work, and let your light shine into the world. Those are the more general interpretations of how Venus operates in Leo.

But Venus in Leo may be different for you. The best way to understand how you experience Venus in Leo is to pay attention to how your relationships feel during this time.

How is it similar to your experience of past years? How is it different? What are you learning from Venus in Leo right now?

An invitation for you

I invite you to spend some time journaling and reflecting on the Venus in Leo times for you over the past few years. What did you feel? What did you experience? What did you learn from your experiences that you can apply to the next few weeks?

A question for you

Would you be interested in a free workshop on relationship cycles and patterns using Venus as our guide? We'll talk about Venus's general energy in each sign, befriend Venus through intuitive and creative practices, and then map out the cycles of your relationships through the years.

โ€‹Click here if that sounds juicy to you!โ€‹

I hope you feel a bit more connected to Venus, and to Venus in Leo!

Here's to you and your intuition,



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Befriending the Zodiac

Hi! I'm a tarot reader, astrologer, writer, and business coach living in Denver Colorado with my 5 year old daughter and 2 fuzzy dogs. I write about the intersection of tarot, astrology, personal growth and business.

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