What's calling for your attention?

Hi Reader!

I write this email in between the summer solstice, which happened yesterday, and the full moon in Capricorn coming up at 7:08 PM MDT.

And I will get to both of these once-in-a-year events, but first, a story.

This story is about my foot. Specifically, my left heel.

About 5 months ago, I noticed that sometimes, when my dogs woke me up to go outside in the middle of the night, I had to hobble down the stairs because it hurt so badly. When I stood up after sitting for awhile, I felt a sharp stabbing pain in my heel that made it hard to walk.

You'd think I would have done something to fix my pain.

I didn't. I was too focused on keeping my dog Kumba healthy after his cancer diagnosis. With taking care of my 6 year old daughter. With growing my business. And I hoped that the pain might just go away.

Instead, it worsened.

I googled my symptoms and found that I had plantar fasciitis. I read on Reddit that Birkenstocks helped a lot of people with PF, so I bought some. They kind of helped...but not completely. My feet still hurt like hell when I woke up in the morning.

I told myself maybe it would just take a few more weeks for the Birkenstocks to work.

Then, one day a few weeks ago, it hurt so much to stand that I could barely make dinner. At which point, I told my friend Angela about it.

She suggested that I speak with her friend Shana who had cured her plantar fasciitis. "She is magical," Angela told me.

Still, I hesitated. I didn't want to spend the money, and maybe it would get better on its own. It didn't.

So...I finally got in touch with Shana. We had our first session yesterday.

And it turns out that my aching left heel is just a symptom of something bigger.

Basically, my center of balance is off, so my left side is bearing most of my weight, while my right side is kind of just along for the ride.

In Shana's words, my left heel is the victim of my entire body's misalignment. She guided me through some exercises to get back into alignment, and, while it still hurts, my heel feels a lot better already.

When I finally faced my pain and looked into it, I discovered something completely different than what I expected. It gave me the opportunity to realign my entire body and the way I move through the world.

Which brings me back to the Full Moon and Summer Solstice.

Both are times when the light is at its peak, illuminating things that escaped your attention previously and forcing you to acknowledge them. This new awareness can feel confronting and even triggering. But through addressing what's calling out for your attention, you have the chance to heal deep wounds that could be impacting everything about your life.

This can mean listening to your inner child who feels scared and lost. Or changing a part of your business or career that doesn't align with your values. Or reaching out to an estranged friend or family member.

This is a chart of the Full Moon coming up later today. Do you see that dark red triangle in the middle? That's a T-Square. The Sun in Cancer and the Moon in Capricorn are opposite each other, and both square Neptune in Pisces.

A T-Square creates energy through friction and conflict. The conflict is resolved through the planet at the apex - in this case, Neptune in Pisces.

Neptune in Pisces says, "Use your intuition to move forward. Dream up a solution. Imagine the possibilities. Lean into the unseen support of your guides."

When I finally decided to do something about my foot pain, I never imagined it would bring me to someone like Shana. I was prepared for years of wearing orthopedic inserts. My dad told me he had to get layers of his foot removed by a laser before his plantar fasciitis was healed.

Yet, when I talked to Shana on the phone, I intuitively knew that I had to work with her. And now, after just one session with her, I already feel my pain going away.

What if you finally face the thing you've been ignoring and you find that it just takes a leap of faith to change everything?

What if you trusted that all the help you need is hiding in plain sight, just waiting for you to say yes to it?

Something to think about...or, since Neptune is taking the lead on this one, to dream about.

Here's to you and your intuition,


P.S. I'm putting the final touches on a one-on-one coaching package that will help you finally go after (or make peace with) that gigantic desire you can't quite seem to fulfill. I'm only accepting 5 people at the beta price of $499, so if you want more information or the details on how to apply, hit Reply and let me know!


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Befriending the Zodiac

Hi! I'm a tarot reader, astrologer, writer, and business coach living in Denver Colorado with my 5 year old daughter and 2 fuzzy dogs. I write about the intersection of tarot, astrology, personal growth and business.

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