
Befriending the Zodiac

Hi! I'm a tarot reader, astrologer, writer, and business coach living in Denver Colorado with my 5 year old daughter and 2 fuzzy dogs. I write about the intersection of tarot, astrology, personal growth and business.

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Unlock the Hidden Wisdom of Your Fears

First, a quick PSA... In the next month, I'm going to begin offering Worthy Heart Cosmic Coaching to people who want to heal their painful relationship patterns and finally feel secure and fulfilled, whether they're in a relationship or not. Click below to be the first to be invited to sign up for a FREE intro Worthy Heart Coaching Call when they open up. I'm ready to feel secure and fulfilled! 🔊 Click here to listen to me read this newsletter to you. Hi Reader! Ever wake up at 3 AM, heart...

First, a quick PSA... In the next month, I'm going to begin offering Cosmic Relationship Coaching to people who want to heal their painful relationship patterns and finally find secure and fulfilling love. We'll look at your birth chart to see the underlying reasons why you get stuck doing the same thing over and over again in relationships and check the transits to understand the energies that are impacting you right now. Then we'll pull cards to see what your guides want you to know moving...

Hi Reader! This is a series of emails that focus on the intersection of love, relationships, tarot and astrology. If you have a painful relationship pattern you want to heal, you're in the right place. And if you don't, you might want to keep reading just to learn more about my love story. 🔊 Before you dive in, you should know that I'm also offering this newsletter as a private podcast that you can listen to in your favorite podcast player! Click here to sign up for the podcast. (Just a heads...

Hi Reader! 🔊 Before you dive in, you should know that I'm also offering this newsletter as a private podcast that you can listen to in your favorite podcast player! Click here to sign up for the podcast. If you're into astrology like me (and I'm guessing you are, because you wouldn't be here otherwise), you've probably looked up the signs you should be in a relationship with. If you're a Leo, you learned you should be with an Aries or Sagittarius. If you're a Gemini, you were told to find a...

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Hi Reader! It's been awhile since I emailed you, and it's good to be back! I'm switching this newsletter up a bit. Instead of emailing you about the astrological weather each week, I'm going to focus on how your birth chart makes you who you are. 🔊 I'm also offering this newsletter as a private podcast that you can listen to in your favorite podcast player! The podcast this week has a few additional details about my inner child. Click here to sign up for the podcast. Let's start with the...

Hi Reader! Venus moved into Leo yesterday. But instead of telling you what that means in general, this week, I'm going to guide you through a process that will help you understand what Venus in Leo means for you. Ready? Let's dive in! Step 1: Explore what Venus means for you. You may understand that Venus is about relationships. But what's your relationship with relationships? (Maybe I should write "relationships" a few more times just for fun...😉) To go deeper into this, you could get a...

Hi Reader! Before I jump into the astrology this week, here's 🎁 a special offer for you: Do you have something you're feeling blocked about? It could be a relationship issue, something in your business that's not going the way you want it to, or a niggling feeling that there's something more for you out there. (Or something else entirely.) If so, this is the perfect time to purchase a Cosmic Clarity Session. They're my 30 minute, $47 tarot/astrology combo sessions, designed to help you move...

Hi Reader! Welcome back to the Tarot Tea Room, where your guides and intuition offer up the tea you need to live an aligned life. This week, we're going to do things a little bit differently, and dive into the watery world of the suit of Cups. Each minor arcana card has an element associated with it. One of the best ways for deeply connecting to the cards is getting curious about your relationship with the elements. This week, let's begin with water, the element connected to the suit of Cups....

Hi Reader! I write this email in between the summer solstice, which happened yesterday, and the full moon in Capricorn coming up at 7:08 PM MDT. And I will get to both of these once-in-a-year events, but first, a story. This story is about my foot. Specifically, my left heel. About 5 months ago, I noticed that sometimes, when my dogs woke me up to go outside in the middle of the night, I had to hobble down the stairs because it hurt so badly. When I stood up after sitting for awhile, I felt a...

Hi Reader! This week, Venus, the planet of relationships, love, and worthiness, Mercury, the planet of perception, thought, and communication, and the Sun, are all crossing over from Gemini into Cancer. Imagine this: on a sunny Saturday morning, you go to the farmer's market with friends. It's packed with people. You stop and talk to a farmer selling sweet turnips, inquiring about how long they'll be available. You ask a woman who sells tortillas if it's a family recipe. You have a picnic...