
Befriending the Zodiac

Daniela Uslan

Hi! I'm a tarot reader, astrologer, writer, and business coach living in Denver Colorado with my 5 year old daughter and 2 fuzzy dogs. I write about the intersection of tarot, astrology, personal growth and business.

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Welcome to Pluto Retrograde!

Hi Reader! Yesterday, May 2nd at 11:46 MDT, Pluto, the Great Transformer, went retrograde in Aquarius.'s going to remain retrograde until October 11th, so it's going to impact us for quite awhile. Unlike Mercury Retrograde, which has more of a direct impact on our communication and technology, Pluto's retrogrades are connected to deep transformation. Pluto moves reallllly slowly, so personal Pluto transits (i.e. when Pluto hits an important degree or planet in your chart) are already...

about 8 hours ago • 1 min read

Hi Reader! I hope you're having a good week. I'm still dealing with the news that my dog Kumba has lymphoma - which involves getting him chemo, researching holistic treatments, and possibly cooking him and his puppy brother home cooked meals from now on. Jorgen (top) and Kumba (bottom) And also, lots of tears and fear. And some hope. I'm trying to deeply appreciate his presence in my life, give him more walks and pets, and make every day count - while knowing that he could decline at any...

7 days ago • 2 min read

Hi Reader! A pretty big astrological event is going down tomorrow. Jupiter, the planet of expansion, luck, and making meaning is meeting up with Uranus, the planet of inspiration, rebellion, and authenticity. This meeting is going down at 21 degrees of Taurus at 8:27 PM MDT. When these planets meet, it's a time of inspiration, expansion, and change for the sake of authenticity and growth. And it's the start of a brand new cycle between these two energies. In Taurus, this expansion is...

15 days ago • 1 min read

Hi Reader! Did you see the solar eclipse on Monday? I went to a park and saw it through this colander. Can you see the little crescents? Depending on how much of an astrology nerd you are, you may know that Chiron, the wounded healer, was exactly conjunct the sun and the moon during the eclipse, so this new beginning we're experiencing is directly connected to our deepest wounds. There's also a Chiron-Mercury conjunction coming up on Monday, so we'll be thinking about the places we're wounded...

21 days ago • 2 min read

Hi Reader! As you probably know, there's a total solar eclipse happening on Monday at 12:21 MDT. Whether or not you're able to see the totality, this eclipse is a big deal. Solar eclipses bring new beginnings into our lives, which can be exciting...but also uncomfortable. It's first day of school energy, full of possibility, but also maybe a touch of fear or trepidation. This eclipse is also a North Node eclipse, which means it's designed to guide us in a direction that is more aligned with...

28 days ago • 1 min read

Hi Reader! How's eclipse season going for you? I've spent the last week in Cancun, so it's gone pretty well for me so far. Every time I go to the beach, I wonder why my whole life is based in the beautiful land-locked state of Colorado. 🤷🏻♀️ Mercury is going retrograde on Monday Anyway, back to the astrology...this coming Monday, April Fool's Day, Mercury will be going retrograde in 27 degrees of Aries. It will go direct on April 25th, so most of April will be a Mercury retrograde period....

about 1 month ago • 1 min read

Hi Reader! Guess what? I've decided to put a kabosh on the whole Substack thing. So I'm back here on Convertkit, emailing you with your weekly astrology forecast + tarot pull. Which brings me to the elephant in the room...eclipse season! Letting go of things and making sudden changes fits really well with the eclipse season we're moving into. This eclipse season begins on Sunday, with a lunar eclipse at 5 degrees of Libra. This eclipse brings an opportunity to let go of things that aren't...

about 1 month ago • 2 min read

Hi awesome human! Every Friday, I share a bit about the astrological weather of the moment and invite you to do a tarot pull to give yourself guidance and support. Let’s dive in! ✨ This week in the stars Mars and Venus met up in Aquarius on February 22 at 12:14 AM MST. Anytime two planets meet up (also known as a conjunction), it marks the beginning of a new cycle of those energies. Venus represents the divine feminine - the part of you that knows your value, loves beauty and harmony, and is...

2 months ago • 1 min read

Hi Reader! Welcome back to the tarot reading room. Today is the new moon in Aquarius, a perfect time to set an intention around the theme of being your authentic self while serving your community. "Being your authentic self" feels like a cliche, so let's break it down for a moment. To me, this means: Listening to your own wisdom and intuition (even when it goes against what everyone else is saying) Saying yes to your needs and desires (even if they're inconvenient to others) Expressing...

3 months ago • 1 min read

Hi Reader! I spent a week in Costa Rica on a writing retreat. On the first day, I received a water healing called Aguahara. The healer put headphones on me that played rhythmic music, told me to make my body weightless, and then moved me around in the water like a dance. During the aguahara, I felt, more than ever before, the beauty of all of my inner parts. I saw my business growing like a beautiful garden. And then I wrote this piece about tarot. I hope you enjoy it. Tarot is magical...

3 months ago • 3 min read
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